Thursday, April 25, 2013

All behind the sitar store

The elements I found for choose the sitar purchase

The center of all sitar workshop

When I enter for the first time in a shop of sitar, I see like in any instruments shop a lot of variants and styles, and I was a little bit lost, whas then come to me the owner of the shop, and he ask me straight in half english half indian what I was looking for, I answered trying to show I know something for what I read on the web, but finally the conversation ended because we was talking like two different languages, and this isn't because for the english, my idea of the sitar purchase was finish in that place

Continuous the journey for find the real shop

After the experience to cross the typical comercial shop for tourists (It's obvious was not what I'm looking for but allways is good to enter for compare) I go more inside the village for try to find the workshops, and it's curious because I find it not asking to people, instead of that was for the smell of fresh products. I arrive to little establishment all the construction of wood, and inside was a family who was developing a new model of sitar, was amazing witness that and was wonderful how they don't try put me aside. Finally I found the first place give me inspiration to the sitar purchase. I spoke with them and I find a very nice arrengement, but what I was thinking in the past of be like George Harrisson change a little bit and I was atracted all the world around the mystic life.